Wednesday, April 22, 2015


In case you haven't noticed, life can be hard, y'all. I'm always thankful to get some encouragement and a reminder that we are not alone in this journey. So I was super happy to get some really wonderful motivation at church the other day. 

The topic of the talk was "just keep walking." The speaker opened with a story about overhearing a snide comment made about a woman who was on the heavier side and was out walking for exercise. "Just keep walking, lady," the smug commenter said. The thing is though, she may have had a long way to go, but she kept on walking.

Walking is a theme that we see many times in the Bible. The Israelites walked in the wilderness for years to get to the Promised Land. It had to have been so incredibly hard and they lost faith so many times, but they had to just keep walking. 

Jesus healed a man who had been lame for 38 years. 38 years of being stalled by circumstance and unable to move forward. "Take up your bed and walk," Jesus tells the man. Go forward into the rest of your life and just keep walking.

Jesus walked on the water. Peter tried to walk towards him, but he lost faith halfway through and began to sink. The Lord rescued him, but how much better it would be to keep the faith, keep our eyes on Jesus, and just keep walking.

The Mormon settlers had to leave their homes and walk across this country to religious freedom. If they wanted to make it to their wonderful new place, they had to just keep walking.

Often in contemporary times, when people are protesting peacefully for equality, they organize marches. People stand up against an injustice and just keep walking.

Most of the time, our situation is not perfect. We recently came through a really dark time in our lives and there were days that were too bad to fathom being able to keep going. To look at the big picture was too overwhelming and all we could do was focus on putting one foot in front of the other. Just keep trudging, B would tell me. Just keep walking.

Sometimes we can just barely put one foot in front of the other. Sometimes we need the help of others to hold us up as we go. Sometimes things are easier and we can run forward. All of the time, we need to rely on our Heavenly Father for the strength to keep on going. This life is about learning and improving through all situations, both good and bad, so we need to just keep on walking through it. Walk away from what has held you back and the bad things in the past, walk through the trials, and keep on walking to the future ahead.

Just keep walking, lady.

It is always difficult for me to share my inner thoughts and struggles and I hope I don't seem overly pessimistic, but I want to share what helps me, in case it can help someone else. There is so much joy in this life as we walk along our journey. I have anxiety though and sometimes even the good days can seem hard. It is so encouraging to know that all I need to do is keep moving forward and do my best to help others do the same.

I hope you're having a wonderful week! Just keep walking!


P.S. For another powerful example of a man who chose to keep on walking, check out this story. I think I have something in my eye. Yeah, that's it.

P.P.S. I can't not mention Finding Nemo.

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